
Self training to output someting

Our experience help other people

I was requested feedback and advice from my team member today. He had troubles about the performance on project. So we had a one to one meeting after work.

He said "I think I didn't contribute this project. I'm not good at talking. when I get the questions that I didn't prepare the answers, I get panicked and give a poor explanation. What do I do to keep cool? "

I had same trouble.  Even now I'm also not good at keeping cool and explaining clealy, but I know some solutions I studied. So I gave some advice him. He look like better when He know there are some solutions. After all we talk with an hour.

On the way home I thought my experience help other people to solve the problems and avoid the troubles, but if I wasn't requested and didn't talk with, he kept having troubles and suffering from it. I study it's important for us to output we ecperienced because our output helps someones and I understand that all time our outputs aren't useful but only output changes our situation.

I decided to output positively for someone who needs my experience.