
Self training to output someting

Ootoya is the good restaurant for us who want to eat healthy food

Today I went to the private training gym to train. Everytime the training menu is so hard . My trainer take me the limit with smile. For it I maintain my body healthy.

After the training, I went to Ootoya for lunch. My trainer always said "you eat more, you are light. I reommend High protein and low calorie food but for the time being, you eat". 

Ootoya is Japanese restaurant that provides healthy and tasty food that match my trainer's order. There are lot of menu, so I enjoy choosing the foods. I love to eat tasty food. Eating delicious foods is my best part of my life. 

So Ootoya is good restaurant for me. It's not cheap, but I think it worth paying because it provide us the tasty food calculated nutritional balance.

I was satisfied with the food. I felt I was be the repeater. Maybe next time I go to the training, I'll go there.