
Self training to output someting

I met a excellent SE

I joined the project of improvement of operations. In there I met a excellent SE. He is in charge of web apps development. He manages the team of design, development, and client communication. 
For a businessman,I think he has too much tasks but he said "It's not problem because I must manage and raise this service up. It's interesting jobs". He is smart and workaholic,so he can do this job, but his team members can't.

As a consultant, I think it isn't good way of work for the team because he only manage the job, so that if he change the project, anyway do same jobs. In other words, His jobs are indivisualization, and it become the bottle neck to optimize the team jobs.

Next meeting will had on Monday. I have to say that and disucuss how to optimize the jobs. I stand the start line of our essential jobs.