
Self training to output someting

Double standard is bad way when we work

I learn that double standard is bad way when we work. I have 2 bosses. One is the general manager of the project, and his position is Senior Manager. Another one is the adviser of the project, and his position is Exective Partner. You know, it's hard situation because I'm a consultant, not a manager, so my position is the role who is directed.

Of course I'm a project manager of this projects, so I have to think how this project is directed. But my dicision is controled by them, especially Exective Partner. I think his management style is to control everything. In fact, I dislike this style, so I feel I don't work the way I want to. 

Senior Manager has good balance. He always listen to me, and advise me. And he experienced only Strategy project, so he is so smart. I don't dislike Exective Partner personality, but dislike his work style. So I always follow Senior Manager.

I understand that I have to manage the boss, but it's difficult for me. And it's not good way to exist double standard. For the member or manager who is on-site, maybe it is hate situation. So I recommend we don't use this situation.