
Self training to output someting

Interview is the very important skill I think

Today I went to client's office to interview. I did it in a long time. After that I understand again that intervew is very important skill for businessman to know detail.

For consultant I was trained it because consultants need the skill to know facts and real situation. But if we can't do it, we don't reasonable and usable proposal, counterplan, and conclusion. Interestingly people can talk real intention when good intervier ask the good question. Good question needs concrete and essential. On the other hand it's difficult for us to create good question.

So how we create it? I study that good question is generated from good hypothesis. Hypothesis is the temporary conclusion at that time. Of cource it needs the reason why we say so that. When we create the hypothesis, we think so hard. Especially consultants are needed severe level.

From the freshman, I also was needed high level thinking. Always I was asked "Why so?", "Is it true?", and "So what?". Looking back, it's good experience for me to raise my skills. 

Returning to the subject of interview, if we interview, we must create good hypothesis and good question. To setup the interview is the key fuctor of good interview. However the direction of intervew is changing while we do it. Then we can choice 2 options. If the story of talking is interesting, we keep it. If not, we change the subject softly to listen to what I want to know. You know we have to raise the another skill of listening. Interview is constructed by the good hypothesis and good lisning skill.

I write about interview today, but I think it is not enough to interview well. Someday I want to write this skill more. It's deep skill I think.