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"Shadow of the Colossus" is simple and beautiful game

The title "Shadow of the Colossus" is the game that I recommend. Its simple and beautiful game. And the end of this title is painful.

The story is that the hero Wanda defeat 16 clossus with his beloved hourse Agro to revive the girl who was sacrificed. The way to revive is to follow the god of the forbidden world. The god say if you revive the girl, you have to defeat the 16 colossus, but this maybe require you so high cost. Wanda say "I know. I'm fully aware." Of course it is prohibited, but he goes to try.

The game rule is so simple. We have to find colossus and defeat it with the ancient sword. The great point of this game is not this. It's the beautiful image and the painful story. The forbidden world is so huge and there are no creatures without colossus. Quiet natural world. I'm impressed this image. And the story is so painful. As the god said, after defeating the colossuses Wanda is cursed little by little. A painful ending awaits. It's the fun after doing this title.

For the first time I did it, I didn't expect it is not so interesting, but after playing I changed this mind. It's great title I think. I recommend this so much.

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